Tuesday, 13 September 2011


I have a very long list which constitutes my bucket list so I guess this would be the highlights:

Marry an Irishman – I am a firm believer in the institute of marriage.  Besides, I really need someone to ummmm take care of the spiders and the Irish have the best accent!!!

Feel life grow beneath my heart – I would love if this could happen in a loving marriage but if not…..well I am not above taking matters into my own hands.

Own two Irish Wolf hounds – I will name them Limerick and Tralee after two of my favorite places in Ireland.  There is NOTHING like puppy love!!!!

Own a pair of shoes that costs more than the average person’s rent -  Preferably Jimmy Choos. Of course, shoes like these belong in the walk-in closetS I also plan to have. One for clothes and one for my shoes!!!

Travel travel travel – want to spend a month travelling around Tuscany. Sunshine and wine, rolling green hills, vineyards and a massive Cypress tree in an open field for picnic and a nap “under the Tuscan sun”. Breads and virgin olive oils and cheese and vine-ripened tomatoes. Little villages and a farm house or two. Chianti by candle light and sweet dreams. And then Venice….gondola rides, glass factory and a masked Venetian ball!!

Skydive – I’ve always wanted to do it but well my self confidence is an issue!!!!!

Build my dream home – I have so many ideas but one that is a must….is a day bed.

Reach my goal weight and stay there – this has been a struggle for a while now and I am done!!!!  Its now or never.

Quit being a hoarder - I am really bad. I try not to be but it seems like everywhere I look I have started little collections of things.  Papers are my worst oh and books and shoes and STUFF!!!

To validate someone in my life daily – this sounds easier than it is to do because you have to wade through all your own crap to get to the point where you can validate someone else and be comfortable doing so.

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