Friday, 23 September 2011


After a long and difficult day there is few things that relax me more than sitting in a dark movie theatre with a coke and box of popcorn. 

This week has been a rough one with the audit and some really intense people issues which I had to deal with so, last night I jumped at the invite from Sasja to go to a movie after work.

We went and saw “Friends with Benefits”. Now I am not a Justin Timberlake fan but after this movie I may just be converted.  The man has a body that would melt any women’s resolve and most men’s too!!!  The movie was funny and sweet and I think quite realistic.

Having been in a “friends with benefits” relationship (and don’t kid yourself, it is a relationship) I thought that they accurately portrayed what people experience when they start down that slippery slope.  Not everyone gets a flash mob happy ending but well it works and it is a movie after all.

In the dark, eating popcorn, drinking coke (my first in almost a month) I laughed, I cried  and found my happy place………... 


Enjoy your weekend everyone and I hope you get to spend time in your happy place!!

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