Monday 9 July 2012


I was going to do my normal Monday post but quite frankly I am not in the right space to do that.

My dad is really sick and we had one of the most difficult days and night on Saturday in a long time in fact we have never had a night like we did not Saturday evening.

So instead of telling you about my weekend I am going stand hat in hand and beg for your prayers.  I am not ready to say good bye to my darra and I need him still so much every day.

My dad's health has changed me in so many ways (I guess I am a little bitter about it) but it has also blessed me in many ways one of which is showing me in very very very very real ways just how strong I am as a person, what I am capable of and what lengths I can go to, to take care of my family and protect the dignity of those I love.

So please join us as we lay this burden at Our Heavenly Father's feet.

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