Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Every morning I open the curtains in my mom's room because the wonderful winter sun pours through it like liquid gold for about four hours.  The dogs just love curling up and lying in the warmth of those rays.  Since dad has been home so much he has taken to lying on the bed and soaking up the sun himself.  He has lost so much weight in the last three weeks that it is kinda scary to see him so thin and in all honesty he has aged about ten years too.

On Friday dad made his way down the passage for some sun and when I walked in and saw him with Charis on the bed I ran for my camera.  Dad may not look his best but what special moments between darra and my puppy.........

A kiss for daddy!!

Jessie joined the party and the two loved on dad...double team style!!!

Double the love...double the trouble!

1 comment:

Emily grapes said...

Awww, what sweet pictures you have of your dad and the pups!!

Those will be good memories for sure. :)
Emily at Amazing Grapes