Monday, 29 April 2013


So the cat is being let out of the bag....after almost seven years of being a "BERRY" girl I have switched to "APPLE".  This was not a decision which was made lightly but actually with all the drama surrounding the pricing of the Blackberry packages and the fact that I have and Ipad it just seemed to make sense to make the switch.

This of course means that I have joined the world of here is my life lately in pictures...

My first photo with instagram

Lemon  pie...

Last week Friday we had "Barefoot" Day at work.  Basically you donated as many pairs of shoes to charity
and you got to come to work barefoot and decorate your feet in anyway you want....this was my attempt!!

My team and I...

My good friend Zukie and I...

Sunday lunch....not healthy but yummy!!!

This is my fur baby Charis playing at 05:45 

Working on Saturday

Since I worked most of the weekend I took a moment on Sunday to "breathe" and went for a walk in my neighborhood.  As if the nip in the air is not enough evidence of Autumn the changing leaves certainly are...

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