I have in particular shared my little theater crush on Jonathan Roxmouth whom I first saw perform in Phantom of the Opera in April last year. I was so moved by his portrayal of this iconic character that I just had to see POTO again. Since then I have seen Jonathan perform several times and have been totally captivate by his amazing voice and indelible charm.
But what stands out for me is his interaction with my mom. I know, I know...you would
We saw Jonathan perform in the production Noel and Gertie 4 days after my dad passed away. My mom and Jonathan shared a moment after the performance which was such a blessing to me and I share it in this post which is also the post.
A couple of weeks ago mom and I went to see Stage by Stage which was a charity performance Jonathan did at the Lemon Jack Theater in Centurion.
The setlist was amazing:
"If I loved you" from Carousel
"Me" From Disney's Beauty and the Beast
"Being Alive" from Company
"She cries" from Songs for a New World
"Something's coming" from West Side Story
"Oh what a beautiful morning" from Oklahoma
"Music of the Night" from The Phantom of the Opera
"Unusual Way" from Nine
"Try to Remember" from the Fantasticks
"Bring him home" from Les Miserables
"This is the Moment" from Jekyll and Hyde
Of course Jonathan singing Music of the Night had me crying big ol' tears. But then, he sang a song that broke my heart. He sang "Try to Remember" from the show The Fantasticks. I had heard that song sung a thousand times....very off key, very loudly and very poorly by my darra. Dad was not a theater person but he was well read and enjoyed a variety of music. He must have heard the song at some point as it became part of his repertoire (for the lack of a better word). Both mom and I just melted and the tears flowed freely. It was one of those moments that leave you breathless...that catch you completely vulnerable.
Of course that was followed up by the beautiful soul destroying "Bring him home". And it was at that point that the ugly cry took over and I just let it happen!! When Jonathan had finished singing he looked over at mom and winked at her and through her tears she gave a little smile and my heart overflowed!
After the show mom insisted on seeing Jonathan and so we waited for about 45 minutes in line to have a moment of his time. Once again he just reached out to her and gathered her into his arms. As I watched them chatting I realised that Jonathan makes my mom feel special in these moments. For a brief time she is smiling and almost happy which she isn't a lot of the time. And for one small moment I can breathe because I believe that there will come a time when the three of us (my mom, brother and I) will find more moments of happiness than of sadness.
So to Jonathan, thank you. Thank you for making my mom feel special and for taking the time to talk to her, to hug her and to let her ramble on about this and that. I can never express how much I appreciate it.
Now that you all know how special this guy is on top of being majorly talented....Jonathan is in rehearsals for his role of Joe Gillis in Sunset Boulevard which will be on at Monte Casino. You don't want to miss this performance.
Also Jonathan launched his website this week so pop in and while you are there order a copy of his soon to be released CD.
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